Sandy Hill

“What can I say! Both myself and the Chair of Trustees who I sent it to have been in tears reading this. It is fabulous, thank you, and will be so helpful in many ways. We have a strategic planning meeting next week and this will be so useful to inform decisions about future objectives and outcomes so the timing is great.”

Centre Manager, Hale Community Centre

We were approached by The Hale Community Centre as they wanted to better understand the needs of their local community and how they could further tailor their services. Through working with the Centre Manager, we agreed a bespoke package of initial needs analysis, engagement with local residents and a report of our findings. 

NW Surrey Hospital at Home Report
Egestas scelerisque fringilla sit tempus ut orci. Pretium et sed urna vitae pharetra convallis nunc tincidunt vel. Mattis egestas sed nunc.
Egestas scelerisque fringilla sit tempus ut orci. Pretium et sed urna vitae pharetra convallis nunc tincidunt vel. Mattis egestas sed nunc.
PCN-Improved-Access Final Report
Egestas scelerisque fringilla sit tempus ut orci. Pretium et sed urna vitae pharetra convallis nunc tincidunt vel. Mattis egestas sed nunc.
  • Summary of the Sandy Hill Engagement Project

    Working with The Hale Community Centre to better understand the needs of their local community and how they could further tailor their services.

    Report summary