In addition to our longer-term commissioned work, we also undertake shorter projects that are focused on one particular aspect of a service that is being developed or under review. We have worked on a wide variety of topics, using our engagement expertise to connect with individuals who use or need services and ensure that their voices are heard in the design or on-going development of the service. Recent projects include:
  • Improving access to maternity services for refugees and asylum-seeking women
  • Understanding barriers to accessing care for ethnic minority groups
  • Patient feedback on virtual wards and the hospital at home initiative
  • Patient feedback on improved/enhanced access to GP services
  • Feedback on urgent and emergency care from less well heard groups
  • Patient feedback on the new PinPoint cancer test
  • Patient feedback on a GP surgery relocation
  • Feedback on the experience of safeguarding in Surrey
  • The Sandy Hill engagement project
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    Egestas scelerisque fringilla sit tempus ut orci. Pretium et sed urna vitae pharetra convallis nunc tincidunt vel. Mattis egestas sed nunc.

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