Citizen Ambassador programme for Surrey Heartlands

Reaching out to those who do not often get their voices heard.
Carer breaks service co-production

Working with carers and providers to improve current service provision.
East Surrey InHip health checks engagement

Understanding wider determinants of health affecting people attending health checks.
Understanding the barriers to uptake of the COVID-19 vaccination in over 75s

Commissioned by Surrey Heartlands to gain insight and enable access.
Surrey Youth Focus – Unheard Voices

Engaging with young carers through drawing, writing and discussions.
Ramsay Healthcare – Ashtead Hospital Engagement

Engaging with patients to understand the patient pathway.
Surrey and Borders Partnership

Who holds the Power? Co-production with Surrey and Borders Partnership.
Safeguarding in Surrey

Understanding what Safeguarding delivers to those being safeguarded.
Cancer Test

Gathering patient feedback about the new PinPoint cancer test.
Reducing digital inequalities in maternity servicesfor refugees and asylum-seeking women page

We were commissioned by Surrey Heartlands Health & Care Partnership to gather insights on the challenges faced by refugees and asylum-seeking women when accessing maternity services. The project aimed to identify ways in which Surrey Heartlands can optimise maternity support, with a focus on digital inequalities. The report was shared with Surrey Heartlands who […]